Premium Lens Implants


A wide range of replacement lenses are available to cataract patients, each offering different advantages for post-surgery vision. The most effective lens to use depends on the patient's individual preferences and goals for their vision. The lenses eliminate the need for glasses or contacts after cataract surgery, providing most patients with convenient, effective results for their specific vision conditions.

Toric IOLs

Intraocular lenses are used during cataract surgery to replace the damaged lens of the eye with an implant that clears up and corrects vision, oftentimes leaving patients with little to no dependence on glasses.

Up until now, patients with astigmatism did not have the same opportunities that other cataract patients have had in correcting their condition with the types of IOL lenses that were available. Typically, the astigmatic patient would need an additional surgical procedure, such as refractive surgery or LASIK, to correct their vision after the procedure. If the patient did not want to undergo another surgical procedure, the only option for correction would be the use of either contact lenses or glasses to address their astigmatism.

Toric IOLs are able to accommodate for the condition of astigmatism. Toric IOLs are specially designed to correct astigmatism along with overall vision during cataract surgery, offering complete vision correction.

Multifocal/Trifocal IOL

The Multifocal or Trifocal Lens allows patients to see clearly at near, intermediate, and far distances without glasses. Many patients who choose the Multifocal lens experience life without the need for glasses. As with any lens choice you and your doctor can decide which lens will fit your lifestyle and your individual eye health needs.

For more information about  Premium Lens Implants, or to schedule an appointment, please feel free to call 301.662.3721


Office Information

Frederick, MD

1003 West Seventh St.
Suite 400
Frederick, MD 21701

P: 301.662.3721 | F: 301.631.5668

Office Hours

Monday, Thursday: 7am – 4pm
Tuesday, Wednesday: 6am – 4pm
Friday: 7am – 1pm

* All indicated fields must be completed.
Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

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